Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Have MLS, will travel?

Posted yesterday to the Archives and Archivists' LISTSERV:

"I have a requirement for a Historian to deploy to IRAQ for ninety (90)
days, return to Fort Stewart and compile and present the information
acquired while in IRAQ. The contract will be for one year with an
option period.

This contractor employee will accompany and be embedded with the 3rd ID
on the battlefield, and be provided room and board with the units. This
individual must have immunizations, be able to pass a medical readiness
physical and also deployment training. They must be ready to deploy
sometime within the week of 17 Jan. They must also know how to operate
a video camera, voice recorder and laptop computer."

I wonder, though - does the 3rd ID provide a flak jacket, or is this a strictly BYOBA (Bring Your Own Body Armor) gig?

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